
Project Just Treatment 2021

NHS New Deal

An online tool for Just Treatment to get people involved in their campaign for proper funding for the NHS.

A prototype homepage for the JRF housing campaign, detailing systemic housing issues within society
Project Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2021

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

We explored what roles JRF might play within the movement ecosystem in the UK. Our goal was to find new ways to surface their work online, through research and rapid prototyping.

Project 🎨 Design Green New Deal UK 2021

Green New Deal Rising

Simple yet distinctive visual identity for Green New Deal Rising, an organisation of young people fighting for climate justice.

Project Autonomy 2021

Transform Your Work

Online toolkit to guide people through organising their workplace.

Project Game worker Solidarity Project 2021

Game Worker Solidarity Project

Mapping and documenting collective movements by game workers striving to improve their working conditions.

Three screenshots of the Co-op Town prototype.
Project Cooperation Town 2021

Cooperation Town

Collaborative prototyping with Cooperation Town to explore how they could scale up their grassroots, self-organised food distribution network.

Project Community Organisers 2021

Community Organisers

Helping Community Organisers hone their community organising craft during the pandemic.

Project Citizen Sense 2021


A platform that allows local groups to document their observations, analyse data from air quality monitors, and collect these into data stories.

A screenshot of the archive website’s home page
Project Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust 2021

Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust Archive

An online archive of radical writings from the last 70 years of social change.

Project The World Transformed 2020

The World Transformed 2020

Festival website for political education initiative The World Transformed.