
🎯 Strategy Jun 2024

Our Approach to the 2024 General Election

Introduction Just two weeks ago, Rishi Sunak announced that the next UK General Election will take place on 4 July. The day after, all seven of us in Common Knowledge ran a workshop to collectively decide what we should do…

🔊 Announcement Mar 2024

Mapped launch

Join us for the launch of Mapped, a tool that integrates with common membership systems to enable more strategic organising. Built by Common Knowledge, designed for and with organisers.

Promo image for the Mapped launch event
🧰 Tools & Tech Mar 2024

Mapped: Move to Action

For an introduction to the Mapped project see our previous post on Membership systems and electoral strategy. We are now into the next phase of the project where we are building a prototype to put our ideas into action.

A screenshot of the "mapped" webpage, a tool for organizers and activists to locate their network by constituency and much more.
📚 Research Feb 2024

Membership systems and electoral strategy

Thanks to the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust, we’ve spent the last few months supporting grassroots organisations in their preparation work towards this year’s General Election in the UK. Our attention has been focused on where their membership systems meet their campaign strategy.

Screenshot from one of our workshops exploring prototype options
💡 Just thinking Dec 2023

2023 wrap up: Jan's favourite project

Jan shares his thoughts about the Digital Security Training we facilitated for Tipping Point.

Portrait of Jan
💡 Just thinking Dec 2023

2023 wrap up: Anna's favourite project

Anna shares a bit about her favourite project from the year, what she's learned and what she's got planned for next year

Portrait of Anna
Oct 2023

Solidarity with Palestine

Common Knowledge stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people. We deplore violence against civilians and call for a ceasefire, an end to occupation, and an end to colonialisation everywhere.

🧰 Tools & Tech Oct 2023

Where do we go after X/Twitter?

Although Twitter or X is experiencing significant changes, the importance of maintaining an online presence remains. Our team have been discussing alternative platforms to migrate to but it seems like there is no obvious option — here is why.

✏️ How-tos Oct 2023

Peer feedback process

As the co-op has matured, we've tried to create support structures that help each member grow. This includes making space for regular feedback. Last month we initiated a formal peer feedback process within the co-op. Here's what we learned.

Update Oct 2023

Updates from October

Over the last few months, we’ve launched new websites for Platform and The Architecture Lobby, created some visual explainers on the global debt crisis for the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung New York, updated our website with recent projects, and ran some internal peer feedback sessions.

Members of the Common Knowledge team working at Pelican House