1 min read
Thu 26 Oct 2023 Writing

Solidarity with Palestine

Common Knowledge stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people. We deplore violence against civilians and call for a ceasefire, an end to occupation, and an end to colonialisation everywhere.

If you are working on a campaign to support Palestine and need help with design or development, please get in touch with us so we can help out.

Illustrated poster with a map of Palestine made up of flowers and a flock of green swallows. The text says "International day of solidarity with Palestine"
Promises of the Storm by Emile Menhem (1982) from the Palestine Poster Project

Witnessing relentless violence is heartbreaking. It is so easy to feel powerless in the face of so much injustice, but your actions do matter. The only way to resist systemic oppression is through collective action.

Here is a selection of concrete actions that you can take to support the Palestinian people in pursuit of peace and freedom. We’ve kept this specific to the UK for now.

Poster with a black background and green text "Free Palestine"
Poster by Waleed Osama from the Free Palestine Project