The Climate Coalition 2024

United for People, Climate and Nature

An online hub of actions, resources and events focused on mobilising public support for climate action in the UK.
A screenshot of the hub homepage featuring actions, resources and events to mobilise support for climate a Homepage of the United for People, Climate and Nature online hub

There is a huge amount of public support for climate action: 83% of people in the UK think the government should do more to tackle climate change. This is a critical election for the planet — we simply can’t afford to waste more time on inaction.

We’ve been working in partnership with The Climate Coalition to build a online hub of actions, resources and events that will make the climate crisis a central issue of the 2024 General Election. Through this hub, citizens can find everything they need to effectively engage their local politicians to tackle climate change and protect nature.

Screenshot of the latest hub content

We’ve harnessed the power of Mapped and extended its core functionality to allow for a wider variety of content beyond points in a map. The homepage features a content feed that grows organically as the campaign progresses. The Climate Coalition can easily add to this feed through a user friendly content management system with a customisable user interface.

map view

In the Near Me section, visitors can search by postcode to find Climate and Nature Hustings in their local area. Facilitating people to hosting and attending local hustings events is an effective way to have meaningful conversations and hold candidates to account. Hustings don't just impact the political atmosphere in the lead up to an election, they can help set the agenda for politics for years to come.

Handdrawn illustrations of plants, insects and animals
Illustrations by Ilyanna Kerr

We collaborated with our favourite illustrator Ilyanna Kerr to bring this content to life and ground the website in the overarching goal of the campaign: to ignite action on climate change and protect nature.