London Renters Union 2022

Side With Renters

Technical support for London Renters Union's 2022 campaign for renters' rights.

We supported the London Renters Union in their campaign for renters' rights during the 2022 local election campaigns. The campaign was highly successful , winning pledges from multiple boroughs to implement demands from LRU's Housing Justice Charter.

Technical assistance helped LRU's organisers to set up, configure, redesign and extend a stack of tools that made the petitioning campaign possible, and operate as efficiently as possible.

We translated organisers' campaign needs into technical feature and data requests with the developers of the petition tool. We also configured an automations suite, across and Airtable, to match petition signatures to members. This introduced a feedback loop that allowed LRU to monitor the campaign throughout London and adjust their phone-banking to be more effective and strategic.