Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung New York 2023

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung NYC

Art direction and design for the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s New York Office.
An overview of some of the work we've done for RLS this year


The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung is an international, progressive nonprofit institution for civic education. In cooperation with organisations around the globe, it works on democratic and social participation, empowerment of disadvantaged groups, alternatives for economic and social development, conflict prevention and peaceful conflict resolution.

In early 2023 we were selected to do the art direction and graphic design for their New York office , in collaboration with our friend Ilyanna Kerr .

Our focus so far has been to establish a strong foundation for their visual communication efforts. We have evolved their visual identity by establishing new support colours and typography that gives them a bit more flexibility while keeping things cohesive.

This is combined with Ilyanna’s expressive and action-oriented illustration style to give them a distinctive voice that stands out from other political education organisations. We create a series of Canva templates to enable them to apply this identity to social media posts themselves.

Two example Instagram posts
Example applications of the new visual language
Illustration celebrating 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Illustration by Ilyanna Kerr celebrating 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Event flyer for the "Fit to Finance Climate Justice" event

Exposing the global debt crisis and illicit financial flows

We worked with them team to create a series of two visualisations explaining Illicit Financial Flows and why we need Global Debt Justice if we are to address the climate crisis.

These are part of their series looking at key concepts and processes that influence the work of the United Nations around the Financing for Development process.

A long illustrated infographic explaining how rich countries and companies channel money in different ways to avoid paying taxes.
A long illustrated infographic explaining how the climate crisis can't be solved without address global debt and tax evasion.
Art direction

Gemma Copeland & Ilyanna Kerr


Univers Extended Bold, Tobias Medium