Progressive International

We worked with Progressive International to launch their global network of activists and organizers, trade unions and tenant associations, political parties and social movements united under a shared vision of democracy, solidarity, and sustainability.
We begun the project with an intensive workshop to help them solidify their digital strategy.

We worked in collaboration with Robbie Blundell to design a new identity centred around an iconic red dot signifying their progressive and global outlook. We used a Dymaxion world map to upturn the cultural biases inherent in the standard Mercator projection.

We designed and developed their website to help them communicate their ambitious vision, make connections between progressive forces and amplify the struggles of people around the world.

They use the site to publish articles, resources, toolkits, events and policies in multiple languages, as well as mobilising people towards direct actions that transcend borders, like their highly effective Make Amazon Pay campaign.

We also designed a custom translation system that lets them translate any page into different languages as they go.

In 2020, we set out to launch a new International — the first such attempt in decades. We commissioned Common Knowledge to design our visual identity and website. With their guidance, we quickly learned that these processes are inseparable from the design of the organisation itself. Throughout our time working together, Common Knowledge helped us hone our vision, sharpen our thinking, and design an institution nimble enough to iterate in structure and strategy as we entered a largely uncharted territory in an era characterised by a deep mismatch between the scale of our crises and the scale of our activism.
Paweł Wargan, Coordinator of the Secretariat, Progressive International
Identity designed in collaboration with Robbie Blundell.